New West Wellness Centre promises a welcoming, calm, clean and caring environment where you are able to relax and heal. Our mission is to help support and help as many people overcome pain and live a healthy strong life.
New West Wellness Centre is a healthcare clinic that provides New Westminster with a team of highly educated, and compassionate healthcare professionals to relieve the aches and pains of everyone who visit us.
Excellent Customer Service
The patient comes first. Go out of your way to introduce yourself, say Hello and make them always feel like they are the most important patients.
Working together in harmonious ways, where everyone is pleasant and agreeable.
Excellent Communication
Communicating in an effective and efficient way that’s positive and result oriented.
Being truthful, sincere, direct and trustworthy.
Owner and Retired RMT

When I was a young girl I always loved to make people feel better and laugh. This is what I wanted to do when I grew up. I was just too young to figure out that I could do this without being a Clown.
Little did I know that I would one day do just that and help the community of New Westminster by make people feel better by opening New West Wellness Centre in 2006. I filled it with caring people like me (Massage Therapists, Chiropractors, Naturopathic Doctor, Nutritionist and an Acupuncturist) who wanted to make others Happy and Feel Great too.
It wasn’t always fun and games when starting my own business. Especially when you have had no business training. Although, it only takes that one person to come up to you and say, “I feel so much better now” or “your clinic is amazing”, this means so much to me to truly make a difference with someone’s health. This allows me to forget about how difficult it may have been over the years in getting to where I’m at now and where New West Wellness is now. I realize and am able to honestly live my childhood dream.
I love helping people and making them feel their Best. This is my passion. New West Wellness Centre is my passion!